"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort and without it nothing great was ever achieved." R.W. Emerson
About us
BioFarmland is our intergenerational family project.
From working as a banker to being a bio farmer on our own farm – a wish has been fulfilled.
More about my career: http://www.agrarinvest.com
More about my career: http://www.agrarinvest.com
A wife, a mother, a mother in law, a grandmother, a passionate HOUSEWIFE always available as a point of contact at the heart of the family, for everyday troubles within the family and daily farm affairs on BIOFARMLAND.
After finishing my studies in Agricultural Engeneering at Schweizerischen Hochschule für Landwirtschaft in Zollikofen in 2004, I moved to Romania to begin building up BIOFARMLAND. When I first started I was very idealistic and now I am getting more and more realistic (which does not harm). In 2005 I married Natascha and I am now the proud father of Anne Margrith, Boris Carl and Melinda.
Sister of Christian, moved to Romania in 2008. I also studied Agricultural Engineering in Switzerland and I am so pleased that we can work here as a family in organic agriculture. Cultivating herbs and teas with local women from the village. A dream has come true. My energy goes into the manufacturing, which I have built up in the last 9 years. It fulfills me and gives me great joy. I am eager to make more of my ideas a reality.
After finishing a master in Environmental Protection in Warschau (Poland), I moved in Romania in 2005. Married Christian and I am the proud mother of Anne, Boris and Melinda.
Since autumn 2013 Boris started at the same school as his sister Anne. He is VERY interested in all machinery on our farm, which of course delights us very much.
I am the smallest in our team 🙂
Small is beautiful 😉
Small is beautiful 😉
Since autum 2012 Anne has been going to school in the neighbouring village Fiscut. She speaks the romanian language very well and is now learning how to read and write.